“I am passionate about providing knowledge, service, + products that are non-toxic, organic, ethically + sustainably produced; whilst not sacrificing performance, luxury or taste. It’s all about mindful choices; mindful living. We are exposed to an onslaught of chemicals daily + the largest portion of them comes from things we can control. The products we use, the services we receive, + what we consume. I am striving to help people on their journey, whatever stage they are in. It’s not about perfection, it’s about reducing your toxic load + gaining knowledge on how you can improve + effect change long term; conscious consumption + not overconsumption.
QC is the curated guide on the best products, services, businesses + brands that share in these values + have respect for the impact our choices make on our health + the world around us."
Artist | Entrepreneur
Owner + Creator of Bravata

It's an extension of me!
Bravata is a lifestyle brand + collective of conscious tastemakers. A collaboration of like-minded artists, who are committed to ethical, sustainable + mindful business practices. Devoted to curating + providing the highest quality, sustainably + ethically made, organic + non-toxic, products + services available. Delivering art, beauty, fashion + dining experiences of the same caliber + consciousness. As such, Bravata is a cruelty-free, vegan + a green circle certified, holistic house.
We are dedicated to building lasting relationships through professional attitude, dependability, + exceptional customer experience. We are committed to caring for people, the planet, + making the world of art, beauty + fashion, a more ethical, sustainable place; it is a driving force in everything we do.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams, wandering by lone sea-breakers, and sitting by desolate streams; world-losers and world-forsakers, on whom the pale moon gleams: yet we are the movers and shakers of the world for ever, it seems."

Bar Bravata is 100% organic, local + sustainable. Serving espresso creations + cocktails, tea, house-made sodas, beer, wine, cider + champagne|wine cocktails.
An appointment is not required to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Feel free to come in for the bar experience alone or get your creations to-go at the walk up window.
The quality of our creations exist only because of the standards + integrity of our purveyors. We thrive on supporting our local organic farmers + foragers; those that practice sustainability + responsible stewardship of the land. We are proud to be working with those that share in our values + have respect for the impact our choices make on our health + the world around us.

CONCIERGE TEXT | 425.399.8547
INCLUDE | Name. Services Desired + Limitations Regarding Availability.
You will be asked to fill out the proper forms for the desired services.
This includes a card on file to reserve your spot + in accordance with policies.
*Deposits required on some services.
Please allow 48 hours for reply